Hypno/regression therapy
To be in touch
During our development from child to adult there may be a variety of causes that will cause us to lose contact (bonding) with ourselves. As an adult, we can have an unpleasant feeling. We prefer to hide this feeling and we will continue to adapt ourselves to the surrounding. This feeling can lead his own life. And the more we want to stop it, the more compelling it comes up. It can make us restless, sleepless or even let us do things that we don't want or we can turn into a person we don't want to be at all. If we are not well in contact with ourselves, we cannot get in touch with others, which can cause all kinds of problems in dealing with others. Central in my practice is restoring the bond with yourself. After some time you will notice that the energy in contact with others is going to change automatically.
Re-bonding through regression or hypnotherapy
The hypnosis in my practice is not the hypnosis that you know from shows. You remain fully conscious and have the direction in your own hands, otherwise the themes cannot be worked on. Hypnosis is only used as a bridge to your subconscious mind. Regression is going back in time, to the origins of a theme. This can be, for example, in the childhood of the client or in a previous life. By working out the theme, healing can take place and you can find the bond with yourself again.

The reconnection® and
Reconnective healing®
A "Reconnective Healing" ® differs from Reiki, Johrei, Qi Gong... or what other healing technique you have ever experienced or heard of. This goes beyond technique! Through these new frequencies a healing can be set in motion that consists of a spectrum of energy, light and information. These frequencies can eventually balance the physical, emotional or mental area where it is needed. It connects you to your deepest being and the universe and activates your original blueprint of perfectness, health and wholeness. This is possible by working in your daily life. There may even be a "reconnective healing" ® Spontaneous healings occur in people who struggle with long-term mental or physical complaints.
The reconnection ®.
In my practice I offer both a "Reconnective Healing" ® and "The Reconnection" ®. With "The Reconnection" ® you can be reconnected with a network of points and lines that surrounds the Earth and thus with the whole universe. Far in the past, we as human, are detached of this network. By reconnecting with this network we will discover and experience that we are all one. By activating these points and lines it becomes possible to use the frequencies of light, energy and information for recovery and balance at all levels in our daily lives.
Tarot readings
Origin of Tarot
The Tarot of Marseille (French: Tarot de Marseille) is one of the eldest versions of Tarot and is meant as entertainment or divination. The design that was already known about 1500 in Northern Italy and France, gained a lot of imitation in versions by subsequent authors.
On Tarot cards are images that one knows in psychology as Archetypes. Archetypes are primal images, symbolic representations in the subconscious of all people present. When using the Tarot cards, it is considered that you with your energy of that moment attract the card whose symbolism matches the energy of the questioner. You can use the Tarot in different ways. You can (if you want to believe) see the future in the cards, or you can use the Tarot as insight cards or as advice.
Archetypes means according to psychologist Carl Jung: "a collective unconscious": Inherited, unconscious ideas and images. They have to do with survival of the human species on instinctive level. " There are as many archetypes as diagnostic situations in life” , wrote Jung. "By frequent repetition, these experiences etched in our mental Constitution, not in the form of images with a specific content, but initially only as forms without content, which only allow us to a certain way of perceive and act. " Although the form of an archetype is universal, each individual's specific content. Examples of archetypes are: witch, wise old man, king, dragons, mermaids.
The Tarot is just one of the many tools that you can use to make contact with your subconscious and that subconscious is visible via images. Hence, the symbols tell more than the images of ordinary playing cards.
Energies and predictions.
There are energies already present at the time of a tarot reading, and that energy can change. A future prediction can be changed by the insights obtained during a tarot reading. The energy of someone can change after the obtained insights or stay with certain emotional loads with that person, the prediction had, whether the result is true or not. It also has to do with different alternated realities that exist in our Cosmos where we as humans are part of. In other words: there may be different outcomes to a question asked during a tarot reading. A golden rule is to always keep in mind this: once you have seen the future in the now, the outcome may be affected or changed in the future.
Spirit release Therapy
Spirit Releasement Therapy (SRT) is a unique and profound healing modality that focuses on identifying and working with various forms of energy that influence our well-being. This therapeutic approach is designed to call forth and harness positive energies that promote personal growth and well-being, while also addressing and clearing negative energies that may be hindering progress.
The process of SRT involves several steps, typically starting with a thorough assessment to identify any negative energies that might be affecting the individual. These could be internally generated emotions or thoughts, or externally attached entities or influences. By addressing these energies, the therapy aims to cleanse and release them, thus allowing for a more harmonious and balanced state of being.
Here are some examples of themes that you can experience:
Releasing Internal Emotional Blockages: An individual may harbor unresolved anger or grief. Through SRT, these emotions can be identified and gently released if by SRT we establish that spirits are holding the person in a negative space, by removing the entities from the person or building, thereby helping the person to move forward without the weight of these negative feelings.
Clearing Negative Thought Patterns: Persistent negative thoughts, such as self-doubt or fear of failure, can hinder personal growth. SRT can help to uncover the root of these thoughts and transform them into positive, empowering beliefs.
Removing External Energetic Influences: Sometimes, individuals may feel weighed down by energies that are not their own, such as the residual emotions of others or environmental negativity. SRT can help to cleanse these external influences, restoring the individual's sense of autonomy and well-being.
Healing Physical Symptoms Linked to Energetic Imbalances: Physical ailments, such as chronic pain or fatigue, can sometimes be traced back to energetic disturbances. By addressing and releasing these disruptions, SRT may alleviate the physical symptoms and promote better health.
Enhancing Personal Relationships: Energetic misalignments can affect how one interacts with others. SRT can help to clear any negative energies in relationships, fostering better communication, understanding, and harmony between individuals.
By working through these examples, SRT aims to bring about a state of greater balance, clarity, and well-being for the individual.
On a cellular level, SRT works to clear out negative imprints that may have accumulated over time, which can affect physical health and vitality. By releasing these imprints of entities attachments, the body's natural healing processes are enhanced, leading to improved health outcomes.
Spirit interference in homes or buildings
Having spirits interference in a house or building may cause you to experience the following symptoms:​
Feeling depressed or anxious in the building or at home, but fine when away from the location.​
Odd smells that appear or dissapear
Seeing shadows
Disappearing of objects
Feeling a presence without seeing anybody
Sudden pains or discomforts when in the building or home
A "Reconnective Healing" ® differs from Reiki, Johrei, Qi Gong... or what other healing technique you have ever experienced or heard of. This goes beyond technique! Through these new frequencies a healing can be set in motion that consists of a spectrum of energy, light and information. These frequencies can eventually balance the physical, emotional or mental area where it is needed. It connects you to your deepest being and the universe and activates your original blueprint of perfectness, health and wholeness. This is possible by working in your daily life. There may even be a "reconnective healing" ® Spontaneous healings occur in people who struggle with long-term mental or physical complaints.
The reconnection ®.
In my practice I offer both a "Reconnective Healing" ® and "The Reconnection" ®. With "The Reconnection" ® you can be reconnected with a network of points and lines that surrounds the Earth and thus with the whole universe. Far in the past, we as human, are detached of this network. By reconnecting with this network we will discover and experience that we are all one. By activating these points and lines it becomes possible to use the frequencies of light, energy and information for recovery and balance at all levels in our daily lives.
"The Reconnection" ® works for a lifetime and puts you on your life path. You make a leap in your spiritual growth and development. "The Reconnection" ® is a one-time treatment consisting of two sessions with a maximum of 3 nights in between. Take a look at the rates.
Originally, the meridian lines (battery puncture lines) in our body were connected to the gridlines that circle our planet and those well-known influential places cross such as "Machu Picchu" and "Sedona". These gridlines are designed to connect us (and maintain this connection) with a much larger grid, a grid that connects us to the entire universe. Each body has its own set of energetic lines and points and, even though they are only remnants of what they once were, they still serve as a connection (interface) with the universe. This connection is a channel that regulates our communication through "energy, light and information" between large and small "macro Cosmos" and "microcosm", the universe and humanity.
At some point, very long ago, we as a human being lost the connection to these lines and thus lost the full potential of our own connection with the universe, through which we removed from us, previously fast and extended, tempo of evolution.
"The Reconnection" ® gives us new "Axiatonal" (a concatenation of the words axial and tonal) lines. These are lines that reconnect us to a much more powerful and further developed level than ever before. These lines are part of a timeless network of intelligence, a parallel-dimensional system that draws the basic energy from the revamping functions of the human body.
When these new lines are activated, an exchange will take place that extends beyond energy, light and information and leads to the recovery and reintegration of our DNA strands. Our DNA can change to multiple strands, then the two that have so far been scientifically proven. Indeed, Dr. Eric Pearl claims that the DNA evolves to 12 strands and/or more. It distinguishes 12 dimensional levels of consciousness within the universe, where the blueprints of our DNA are among others. So, what "the Reconnection" ® actually does is to restore the connection of the molecular DNA through the axial and tonal lines with these 12 fine DNA blueprints within the universe.

A tarot reading
A tarot reading, needs to be seen purely as entertainment. We should not assume that it is medically justified. Diseases must be consulted by a doctor or a specialist. Nothing is certain or written on a stone. We work with energies and that is liquid, it can be influenced and changeable. Hence a tarot reader is not responsible for any certain prediction that has come out during a tarot reading. The tarot reader is also not responsible for the manifested future or not.
Tarot readings:
Symptoms of negative spiritual imprints can manifest in various ways, impacting both physical and emotional well-being. Here are some common symptoms:
Chronic Fatigue: Persistent tiredness that doesn't improve with rest, often accompanied by a sense of heaviness or lethargy.
Emotional Instability: Frequent mood swings, irritability, or unexplained sadness and anxiety.
Physical Ailments: Recurring headaches, digestive issues, or unexplained aches and pains that don't respond to conventional treatments.
Mental Fog: Difficulty concentrating, memory problems, and a general sense of confusion or disorientation.
Sleep Disturbances: Insomnia, nightmares, or restless sleep that leaves one feeling drained rather than refreshed.
Feeling Stuck: A pervasive sense of being trapped in negative patterns or unable to move forward in life.
Lack of Motivation: Decreased drive or enthusiasm for activities that once brought joy or fulfillment.
Social Withdrawal: Avoidance of social interactions and a preference for isolation.
Self-Doubt: Persistent feelings of inadequacy, low self-esteem, or a lack of self-worth.
Spiritual Disconnection: A sense of being disconnected from one's spiritual beliefs or practices, leading to a loss of purpose or meaning in life.​​
Addressing these symptoms through Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT) can help clear these negative imprints, thereby enhancing overall health and well-being.
On a more spiritual level, SRT reaches into higher realms of consciousness, including the archangelic realms, to call forth divine assistance and guidance. This connection with higher energies can provide profound insights and support, facilitating deep and transformative healing.
Overall, Spirit Releasement Therapy is a holistic approach that addresses the multifaceted nature of human existence, promoting healing and growth on physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels.
There are many benefits that can be felt after receiving SRT and starting your therapeutic healing journey:
Emotional Healing: Access to divine assistance can help release deeply rooted emotional traumas, leading to a greater sense of inner peace and emotional stability.
Spiritual Growth: Engaging with higher energies fosters spiritual development, helping individuals to understand their life purpose and feel more connected to the universe.
Increased Vibrational Frequency: Regular interaction with archangelic realms can elevate one's vibrational frequency, promoting overall well-being and attracting positive experiences.
Clarity and Insight: Divine guidance can offer clarity on complex issues, providing new perspectives and innovative solutions that might not be apparent through ordinary means.